Norma's Needleworkz

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How to make a CQ Heart

While trying to help a new member of our Hand Embroidery group understand how to piece a Crazy Quilt Heart (she is new to crazy quilting) I offered these easy guidelines and with the encouragement of Melissa, list mom of the group, I place them here for others to use.
1. cut muslin approx. 7" square
2. draw 6 1/2" heart outline (I use a fine line Sharpie permanent marker); I also draw my 1/4" seam allowance line inside using dotted line marks
3. turn heart side down (leaves a faint line on the side where you are going to place your fabrics and the dark line makes it possible to see where to cut out the finished heart)
4. place first piece of fabric usually in the center or off center (can be a square, rectangle, triangle or the shape I prefer is a five-sided one) [you can pin if you want but it isn't necessary]
5. place second piece of fabric right side down on your first piece and sew a 1/4"seam (if the second piece doesn't quite fit the first don't panic, the third piece will cover
6. flip and press when pieces are sewn........ don't trim until the next piece is sewn...... trim any extra before you flip and press the third piece [to make sure you don't accidently cut your muslin foundation you may trim your pieces one of two ways: fold foundation under and trim sewn pieces to 1/4" or lift seam with scissors and trim to 1/4"]
7. continue #6 until heart shape is completely covered; on front of heart baste your seam allowance as a guide as to how far you can embroider
8. embroider, embellish - an embroidery hoop is helpful
9. cut out heart....... ... YOU'RE DONE!
Your heart is now ready to applique where ever you wish. There are many needlework blogs that show beautiful crazy quilted hearts and several Yahoo groups where members swap them. I have some here on my blog that I have made and some I've received in swaps.


At 1/12/2007 04:42:00 PM, Blogger Sarah E. said...

Norma, what a great job on your CQ heart guidelines! Well written and easy to follow!


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